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Year 6

Welcome to Sycamore Class, Year 6


Class Teacher: Mr Tickner

Higher Level Teaching Assistant and PPA: Mrs Hill

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wayne

Music Teacher: Mr Ecclestone

Sports Coach: Mr Chris





Spring 2 - 'How can the world develop sustainably?'


PE days: Tuesday and Friday

On Tuesdays and Fridays, please ensure children arrive at school in their PE kits. For PE lessons, it is important that all jewellery be removed and long hair tied back.


Water and Snacks

Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school and fruit for snacks. 



Children are expected to read at home each day, either on their own or with someone else.

Sit back, relax and lose yourself into the world of a great book. You could read a book from home, or check out a book online on one of these websites:

Please ensure that children have their Reading Records in school each day. 


Here are some questions you might want to ask your child about what they've been reading:

Tell me, is there anything you like about the book?

Is there anything that you particularly dislike?

Is there anything that puzzles you? Do you have any questions?

Does it remind you of anything you know, in stories or real life?


Times Tables

Children are expected to be confident in all their times tables, as this really supports them in other areas of maths, such as formal methods of multiplication and division.

Fluency in times tables means being able to quickly work out or recall facts in 2-3 seconds, and this includes multiplication and corresponding division facts.

Children can practise through songs, chants, games, quizzes, or on Times Tables Rockstars:


Year 6 Curriculum Key Criteria



