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Cherry Hinton Community Garden

The Cherry Hinton Community Garden (a.k.a. the Green Not Hut or GNH) is NOW OPEN!!!


Thank you to everyone who has made the GNH possible - school children, parents, staff, community members, professionals and volunteers.


We are grateful for the generous donations without which this would not have been possible - Nisa Ltd, Cambridge Water, France and Lionel Baker Charitable Trust, Midsummer Energy, Newnham College and several anonymous donors.

The Story of the Cherry Hinton Community Garden

Long-time residents of Cherry Hinton will remember the Green Hut with fondness. Built in 1902 and officially called the Parish Room, the Green Hut hosted clubs, meetings, parties, school lunches, jumble sales, bingo, dancing and more.  In 2020, it was necessary to demolish the Hut because it was no longer safe.  Responsibility for the site transferred to Cherry Hinton Church of England Primary School – we have carefully considered how to recreate the spirit of the Green Hut, as a community space and source of pride for Cherry Hinton, as well as improving local biodiversity. 

Opening Times

The Garden is currently open to the general public on Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 4pm

Please drop by and enjoy your community green space!



If you would like to arrange an event or activity in the garden at another time, you are very welcome to contact Kate on to make a booking



No dogs or smoking in the garden please.  Take your rubbish home with you. 

Cherry Hinton Garden Gang

Would you like to volunteer to help in the garden?  We particularly need local helpers to water the garden over the summer weeks. Please email to join the list. We will advertise regular gardening events here.
