This half term, we will be covering three units of work:
- Decimals B
- Money
- Time
In Decimals B, the class will build on their previous decimal work and learn about tenths, hundreths, halves and quarters as decimals, and be able to compare, order and round decimal numbers. In Money, the class will apply their knowledge of decimals and convert between pounds and pence, compare, estimate, calculate and solve problems with money. When the class works on Time, they will look at the units of hours, minutes and seconds, and years, months, weeks and days. They will consolidate telling the time and use analogue and digital representations before converting to and from the 24-hour clock.
Children are encouraged to continue developing their fluency and speed with their times tables, including through Times Table Rockstars.
Below are at-home workbooks, which give examples of the types of questions we will explore in lessons. These can be completed at home at your child's own pace at a time that suits you.