Why didn't the first Britons stick with stone?
Following on from the fun of our Stone Age learning last half term, we will be studying what happened after the Stone Age. As part of this learning, we will be going on a trip to Wandlebury Country Park to participate in an Iron Age day.
Below is a Knowledge Organiser relating to our learning this half term. Within it, you will find vocabulary that children will be taught, as well as a breakdown of the unit of work. We will be discussing the vocabulary during lessons - why not talk about it at home as well? Can children explain what a hillfort is? Can they find any similarities or differences between Iron Age settlements and their own home?
Our topic homework for this half term is a creative project link to life in the Iron Age. Please ensure all topic homework is brought to school by the final week of the half term, so that it can be displayed in our Homework Festival.