What is school governance?
In the UK, all maintained schools have a governing body to ensure strategic leadership and accountability. The core functions of the governing board are:
- Ensuring clarity of the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding school leaders to account for educational performance, and the effective performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
What do CHPS school governors do?
School governors make a valuable contribution to school life and children’s education. They are volunteers, working co-operatively with school staff to oversee all aspects of education at CHPS. Governors bring their own experience, knowledge and skills to support and challenge the school, so that it improves for pupils and staff. Governors gain new insights and skills which can be useful for their own professional and personal development.
The core responsibilities of a CHPS school governor are to:
- Attend full governing body meetings, reading documents and preparing questions in advance (evening meetings, currently online)
- Attend committee meetings (if appointed to a committee)
- Have at least one link governor area e.g. curriculum, SEND / Pupil Premium, collective worship, safeguarding, well-being, finance, premises. Governors carry out school visits to monitor their link area, reporting back to the governing body.
- Participate in ongoing training and governor development.
You can find out more about the role of school governors here:
Who can become a school governor?
Anyone aged 18 or over can be a governor (with some exceptions). There is no requirement for you to be a parent or to have an understanding of the education system, just the necessary interest, skills and time to contribute. There is plenty of training available. Schools benefit from a range of professional knowledge and experience on their governing board including education, finance, human resources, marketing and public relations, property management, and organisational change.
At CHPS we have five types of governors who work together on the governing board – staff governors, parent governors, local authority governor, co-opted governors and foundation governors. Foundation governor appointments are approved by the Diocese of Ely and carry an additional responsibility to develop and uphold the Christian ethos and character of the school.
If you are interested in becoming a CHPS governor please contact Dr Kate Baker –
Structure and remit of the CHPS governing body and committees
Full Governing Body (FGB) – Chaired by Dr Kate Baker
FGB meets six times a year. It receives reports from the Headteacher and committee chairs, and monitoring reports from link governors. Governors discuss and approve the School Development Plan and policies that are reserved for the FGB, review school performance indicators, and discuss issues that affect the school's progress and how these issues will be managed.
Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee (FPP) – Chaired by Clair Parsons
FPP meets four times per year. This committee is responsible for financial oversight, and issues relating to the school's buildings and grounds. It is also concerned with key management issues, such as human resources, staff pay awards and legal compliance.
Pay committee - Chaired by Clair Parsons
The pay committee meets to approve the school's pay policy and ensure that all pay determinations are in accordance with the school’s pay policies and procedures.
Head Teacher Performance Management Committee – Chaired by Marie-Ann Kyne-Lilley
This committee manages an annual appraisal cycle whereby the governing board monitors and evaluates the progress of the headteacher in meeting agreed objectives and achieving strategic priorities.
Governors who have served on the CHPS governing body from January 2021
Full name | Appointment type | Appointed by | Date of appointment | Term of office | Date stepped down |
Ms Sally Haiselden | Headteacher | FGB | 12/09/2019 |
Ms Paula Hnat | Staff | FGB | 1/11/2018 | 4 years | 31/10/2022 |
Mr Stephen Howarth | LA | FGB | 7/4/2018 | 4 years | 6/4/2022 |
Dr Kerry Calvo | Parent | FGB | 1/11/2018 | 4 years | 21/7/2022 |
Mrs Susan Condie | Parent | FGB | 1/9/2019
| 4 years | 17/4/2022 |
Mrs Lorna Torkington | Parent | FGB | 19/10/2023 | 4 years |
Mr James Mawby | Parent | FGB | 17/11/2020 | 4 years | 31/12/2022 |
Professor David Ford | Foundation | St Andrew’s, Cherry Hinton PCC | 1/11/2018 | 4 years | 31/10/2022 |
Mrs Clair Parsons | Foundation | St Andrew’s, Cherry Hinton PCC | 17/11/2020 | 4 years |
Rev Karin Voth Harman | Foundation | Diocese of Ely | 1/9/2016 | Ex officio |
Dr Kate Baker | Co-opted | FGB | 7/7/2024 | 4 years |
Mr Chris Hudson | Co-opted | FGB | 17/11/2020 | 4 years | 13/6/2024 |
Ms Karis Cooper | Co-opted | FGB | 17/11/2020 | 4 years | 19/7/2024 |
Mrs Marie-Ann Kyne-Lilley | LA | LA/FGB | 26/4/2022 | 4 years | |
Mrs Mary Emordi | Parent | FGB | 14/6/2022 | 4 years | 21/10/2022 |
Mrs Natalie Climas | Parent | FGB | 20/9/2022 | 4 years | |
Mrs Rebekah Day | Staff | FGB | 22/11/2022 | 4 years | 19/07/2023 |
Rev Nell Whiscombe | Foundation | St Andrew’s, Cherry Hinton PCC | 26/11/2022 | 4 years | |
Philip Cowans | Parent | Parent election | 27/02/2023 | 4 years | |
Ceara Haddu-Walters | Staff | Staff election | 02/11/2023 | 4 years | |
Anna Matei-Reich | Co-opted | FGB | 5/3/2024 | 4 years | |
Anup Shende | Co-opted | FGB | 17/7/2024 | 4 years |
Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests) including:
- Governance roles in other educational institutions –
- Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives -