This half term, we will be covering four units of work:
- Time
- Statistics
- Shape
- Position and direction
In Time, the class will consolidate telling the time and use analogue and digital representations before converting to and from the 24-hour clock.
In Statistics, they will interpret charts that use a range of scales, use the data to make comparisons and find totals and differences, and start to use line graphs.
In Shape, the class will learn angles as turns and compare, order and identify different types. They will learn the different properties and names of triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons, and lines of symmetry and symmetrical figures.
In Position and direction, they will describe position using coordinates, plot coordinates, draw 2-D shapes on a grid, translate and describe translation on a grid.
Children are encouraged to continue developing their fluency and speed with their times tables, including through Times Table Rockstars.
Below are at-home workbooks, which give examples of the types of questions we will explore in lessons. These can be completed at home at your child's own pace at a time that suits you