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Maths curriculum statement – Intent, Implementation and Impact


At Cherry Hinton Primary School, we want our children to enjoy maths and be confident in their own maths abilities, to believe that they can do maths and to learn from their mistakes. To give them this confidence, and to give them the best possible grounding in maths, we want them to be fluent in recalling number facts and quick in their mental and written arithmetic skills. Using these abilities, we want them to be able to reason about maths, and apply their skills to problem-solving and real life applications of mathematics.


To develop children’s confidence and enjoyment of maths, we will…

  • Give children the chance to engage with maths in creative and open ended ways.
  • Be thoughtful about the way we talk about maths ourselves.
  • Encourage the same growth mindset we do throughout the school.
  • Give staff and parents chances to develop their confidence in maths.

To develop children’s fluency in maths, we will…

  • Make it clear which number facts and strategies children need to be fluent with in each year group through our calculation policy.
  • Regularly practise number facts in school and encourage children to practise these outside school e.g. through Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots.
  • Give children plenty of practise of mental and written arithmetic, including through number talks.

To develop children’s reasoning skills, we will…

  • Develop children’s mathematical vocabulary and reasoning skills, including through displaying relevant vocabulary and sentence stems in class, and rehearsing using these regularly.
  • Give children opportunities for explaining their thinking in discussions and in their written work, and modelling how this can be done well.

To develop children’s problem solving skills, we will…

  • Give children opportunities to apply their learning to solve problems and participate in investigations independently and as part of pairs and groups.
  • Have regular whole school maths problems for children to attempt.
  • Give children opportunities to apply their maths to real-life contexts.


We will know what we do has an impact through…

  • Regular opportunities for pupil, teacher and parent voice to do with maths.
  • Monitoring work in books and engagement in whole school maths puzzles and Times Tables Rockstars/Numbots.
  • Regular opportunities for low-stakes quizzes and assessment.
  • Improvements in our internal and national assessment data.


May 2021

Cherry Hinton Primary School Calculation Policy 

The purpose of this policy is to explain pupils' progression in understanding of the four mathematical operations and to help parents to support their child with this. 
