Our school community in 2023-24
Cherry Hinton welcomes pupils from 3 to 11 years. We have a Nursery which feeds into our primary school. We have a breakfast club for Reception to -Yr6 and an after school club for Reception to Year 6. We also have a range of other activities for children after school.
Cherry Hinton pupils......
- Speak over 34 languages
- Are of over 14 different nationalities
- Follow a range of faiths- Church of England, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and some families are of no religion
In a recent pupil well being survey the majority of our children said they felt happy, calm and loved. They said adults in school care about their well-being and that they have an adult in school they can talk to (See under Parents tab, Headteacher's Updates 9.5.23 if you would like to read further).
We welcome several families from overseas during the year. We work to ensure new children settle quickly. The headteacher always meets with new families, finds out about the children's interests and what support families moving into the area might need. A meeting is set up after a couple of weeks for the parents to meet with the class teacher for an update and with the English lead to understand how they can support their child with phonics and reading.
Our provision for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is nurturing, inclusive and far ranging. We have several children in school with ECHPs. Our very experienced team of teaching assistants work with these children in class to ensure they access as broad and balanced curriculum as their peers.
We work closely with our Pupil Premium children and their families. We employ our own family support worker, Louise Saunders to support all families and their children in a variety of ways.