Below are at-home workbooks for the Year 3 units of work we will be covering this half term, which give examples of the types of questions we explore together in lessons. These can be returned to school at the end of the half term.
This half term, we will be continuing to explore time. Then we will move onto properties of shape, before finishing the Year 3 maths curriculum by learning about statistics. Through number talks and mental maths sessions, we will also recap previous topics from the year, in preparation for the children's move to Year 4.
For the final half term, we will be building our fluency of the 8 times table, linking multiplication and division facts. Additionally, we will revise all the times tables covered this year, in preparation for starting Year 4 in September!
Here is a link to TTRockstars website, where children can practise. Times Tables Rock Stars login
Additionally, children can practise away from a device using any of the following strategies:
- count in multiples forwards and backwards e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... and 25, 20, 15, 10 ...
- quick recall questions e.g. 2 x 3 = ...., 18 ÷ 2 = ...
- Times Tables Bingo - Children write down six multiples from the times table they are focusing on. An adult then says questions from that times table. If the answer on the child's Bingo grid matches the question from the adult, they cross it off! Mrs Day is more than happy to explain this in more detail and give a demonstration!
- If you would like any Times Tables Rock Stars questions printed out for your child to practise at home, please speak to Mrs Day.