Year 2
Welcome to Chestnut class!
Class teacher Miss Haddu
Mrs Northfield (Mon-Thursday pm)
Mrs Gratwick (Thursday pm)
Our topic question this term is: What is it like in the Arctic?
Gentle Reminders!
- Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Children should come to school in their PE kits. Long hair tied back and no earrings or jewellery.
- Water bottles can be brought each day.
collins hub parent guide
Please set aside time to read every day and remember to write it down in your Reading Record. Early readers need to read their Collins Hub ebook, which is assigned weekly, more fluent readers will have a book from school and everyone can read or share their school library book.
Any questions about reading please ask.
Happy Reading!
If you want to access more books see below:
This link will take you to Oxford Reading. Select: Level then choose a Book Band colour.
There are more links below in the 'Reading websites' folder.