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Attendance, Absence and Illness

Absence and Illness

  1. If your child is not well enough to attend school, please inform the school office by telephone 01223 568834 email on the first morning of absence and by letter on your child's return to school to explain the reason for absence. Please keep the school up to date regarding the health of your child until your child returns back to school.

  2. If your child has a medical appointment, please inform the school office the day before if possible or by telephone on the day and show any appointment details to the office staff..

  3. All letters should be addressed to the Headteacher.

  4. All absences will be recorded as authorised or unauthorised.

  5. Our Attendance Improvement Officer (AIO) works closely with the school to monitor attendance . If a child is absent from school frequently with illness, a medical plan and/ or an attendance plan may be put in place to support that child.

  6. If you are uncertain as to whether your child should remain at home or come to school when they are feeling unwell you can access some useful information and guidance from the NHS -  Is my child too ill for school?


Sickness and Diarrhoea

School policy is that your child cannot return to school for 48 hours from the last time they are sick or have diarrhoea.



Staff will only administer prescribed medicinesIf your child needs medicine during school hours please speak to the office to complete a Medicine Consent Form. Children needing asthma inhalers in school are encouraged to keep them in the classroom and use them independently when necessary. Please inform the school office in writing if your child has been prescribed an inhaler.





Absence from school for Exceptional circumstances - A guidance for Parents/ Carers

School attendance, what does it all mean? - A guidance for Parents and Carers.
