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Year 4

Spring Term

We have sprung into Spring, but the weather is very variable and the children do need to have warm layers in school. We ask that the children have a change of shoes in order to play on the field as it is so muddy. 


The Horstead residential trip is full steam ahead and the children have been given a suggested kit list so that they have time to prepare.  Please ensure all items are named - although the children are sure they recognise their own washing powder, after three days at Horstead ...

Thank you so much for all the returned forms. Please do come and talk to any of the Year 4 team if there is anything additional you think we should know or if anything, such as contact numbers, change.


If you have any questions, concerns or ideas to share with the Year 4 team, please come and speak to us.


Class teacher: Miss Hnat

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cane and Mrs Northfield

PPA teacher: Mrs Northfield

Music teacher: Mr Ecclestone

Sports coach: Mr Chris



PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays 


We ask that the children come to school dressed in PE kit suitable for the lesson on those days.


As the Wednesday PE lessons is outside, we ask that the weather is considered. Layers are preferable, as they keep the children warmer, whilst still being removable when they warm up with exercise.

Thursday PE is inside and the children need PE clothing that is easy to move in and safe  - no hoods please.


Earrings and watches must be removed for PE (as stated in our policy, jewellery other than watches should not be worn to school) and long hair tied back. If your child cannot remove or put in their own earrings, please remove these for your child before school on PE days.

If your child is unable to participate in a PE lesson for a medical reason, an adult must communicate this to school. 


Drinks and snacks - We encourage the children to stay hydrated by having their water bottles accessible throughout the day. They may top them up from the drinking water tap in class whenever needed

Snacks of fruit (or veg) may be eaten outside during morning break.

Reading! This is part of our homework expectation.

Reading with your child for even a few minutes a day helps them to develop their love of reading as well as their confidence in learning generally. In Year 4 your child should be reading for 20 to 30 minutes each day at home. Of course they may read more, but this is a minimum amount of homework. 


Why not let your child see you reading for pleasure and discuss your books together!


The Reading Record should be kept up-to-date and we ask the children to fill it in as they go, making comments and observations about their thoughts before they move onto another book. We welcome your observations about their reading and book discussions in the Reading Record too.


The children are also expected to note unknown vocabulary in their Reading Record, along with the meanings. You might discuss this with your child or direct them to a dictionary (online dictionaries too!). It is important to revisit the story afterwards so that the full meaning of the story is understood. 

This is part of the expected homework.


If you run out of books at home or are having trouble accessing the library, check out the online books here:

Reading prompts - here are some questions to use with your child when you discuss books together

Times Table Homework:

Year 4 will be participating in the Times Table Check this summer. All Year 4 pupils across the country will take a quick screen-based quiz to help guage their strengths and inform us of their next steps. Every child has a TimesTable Rockstars log-in as part of their weekly homework.

Below, are some booklets for your child to use at home - a little each day is so effective.

There is also a link to a useful website that has step-by-step practice and activities.

Online Times Table Rockstars Tasks:

(call or email the school if you can't log in)


Times Table Practice and Activities

Spring 1 Topic questions: 'What Makes Our Earth Extreme?'

Autumn 2 - Topic question: 'How Does Our Life Compare To An Ancient Egyptian's?'

Autumn 1 - 2024 Topic question: 'Why Are We Here?'

Summer 2 - 2024 Topic question: 'What Makes The Perfect Picnic?'

Summer 1 - 2024 Topic question: 'What Type Of Art Makes A Sound?'

Spring 2 - 2024 Topic question: 'What Did The Romans Do For Us?'
