Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 - Willow Class
Class teacher: Miss Marsh (Tuesday - Friday)
Mr Orton (Monday)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Kent, Miss Rahima
Music teacher: Mr Ecclestone
Sports coach: Mr Chris
PE Days: Mondays and Wednesday
Please come to school dressed in PE kits.
Ensure hair is tied up and no jewellery is worn
Spring 1 - 2025
How do I find my way around?
In our first Geography unit of Year 3, we will be building on our mapping skills. We will have the chance to explore OS Maps, symbols and use a compass!
In Maths, this half term we will be applying our number and calculation skills in the context of measure, measuring lengths, converting between mm and cm and calculating the perimeter of shapes. We will then move on to work on fractions, in particular counting in tenths and working with tenths as fractions and decimals. We will also calculate fractions of amounts.
Try to read at least a little bit every day. You could read a book from home, or check out a book online on one of these websites:
Oxford Reading Tree - Free Colour Banded eBooks to download. This link will take you to a Oxford Reading. Select : Level then Book Band then colour. Your child will know the colour book band they are on, so please select books from there to read at home with your child.
When reading with your child, it is important to talk about what they are reading. Here are four question prompts that can help a reading conversation:
- Tell me, is there anything you like about the book?
- Is there anything that you particularly dislike?
- Is there anything that puzzles you? Do you have any questions?
- Does it remind you of anything you know, in stories or real life?
Spring 1: How do I find my way around?
Year 3 curriculum key criteria