Physical Education
Physical Education curriculum statement – intent, implementation, impact
Our intent is to develop a PE curriculum that supports children in building confidence and skills through a range of physical activities. We aim to grow children’s understanding of the importance of being active, leading a healthy lifestyle and to engage all pupils in regular physical activity, developing their resilience and willingness to take risks. Further, our intent is to provide opportunities for children to experience competitions, working together as a team and having the opportunity to take positions of leadership.
Physical Education is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. At Cherry Hinton, we follow the Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work for curriculum planning, ensuring progression of skills across a range of activities. Additionally, we have access to high-quality sports coaching, covering a range of sports and improving teacher confidence and skills in delivering lessons.
Following the school’s values of Agape, Courage and Thankfulness, each afternoon we have ACT Active. All members of our school (children and adults) go outside to complete the Daily Mile for fifteen minutes. Once a week, ACT Active is also held before school from 8:30am, where families are invited to join our school community in running, jogging or walking the Daily Mile. In addition to our school values (A.C.T.), we embrace the Spirit of the Games Values set out by the School Games – self-belief, passion, teamwork, honesty, respect and determination. These values are on display in our school hall and children are awarded with house points for displaying these values in PE lessons, ACT active and competitions.
Intra competitions, organised by Year 6 house captains and one of our sports coaches, are held during one lunchtime each week, encouraging all children to participate in friendly house competitions in a range of activities. At the end of the academic year, all children participate in Sports Day – an intra competition between the four House groups in school, providing a fun opportunity to compete against friends.
Through involvement with Cambridge School Sports Partnership (CSSP), we have access to inspiring athlete visits, enabling children to try out new sports e.g. BMX biking. CSSP subscription also includes entry into local sport competitions, enabling children to experience competition outside of school. Active playtimes are encouraged, with a range of play equipment available for children to use. Year 5 play leaders have received training and they lead activities for children to join.
Swimming lessons are undertaken by children in KS2, with the aim to increase the percentage of children who can swim a minimum of 25m.
Sporting achievements are celebrated during Friday assemblies each week. Additionally, a Sporting Hero from the school is announced and the winner is awarded with a small trophy to keep in their classroom for the week. Children are excited to find out who the Sporting Hero is and often nominate other children and adults in school.
Keeping physically active is valued at Cherry Hinton and this is seen by participation in ACT Active, PE lessons and intra competitions. Intra competitions at lunchtime have provided the chance for children from all year groups to participate and represent their house. Due to the range of activities on offer, it is not always the same children that compete each week. Additionally the intra-competitions provide leadership opportunities for the house captains in Year 6, enabling them to organise and run competitions with the support of our sports coach. These intra competitions have also provided children with experience of competing against others, preparing them for entering inter-school competitions held locally by CSSP. House points are valued by children at Cherry Hinton and they take every opportunity to earn points for their team. The tokens are displayed in the entrance to school, visible to all children and a clear way of seeing which house is in the lead.
May 2021