School Performance Data
Cherry Hinton was above national across all subjects.
School Subject percentages | Below | At | Greater depth | National At |
Reading | 23 | 77 | 47 | 73 |
Writing | 27 | 73 | 10 | 71 |
Maths | 20 | 80 | 30 | 73 |
GPS | 20 | 80 | 47 | 72 |
Combined RWM CHPS - 63 |
| 59
KS2 School performance data 2022
Year 6 sat national SATS in May 2022. SATS were not sat in 2020 or 2021 because of the COVID pandemic. Despite the pandemic, our results for 2022 were our best ever and in line with and above national results.
The government has not published primary test or assessment data for 2020, 2021 or 2022. This data and the analysis is taken from Perspective Lite.
READING % | School | Change since 2019 | National |
Achieved standard | 77.8 | 17.8 increase | 74.6 |
Greater depth | 29.6 | 1.6 increase | 28 |
WRITING % | School | Change since 2019 | National |
Achieved standard | 63 | 3 increase | 69.4 |
Greater depth | 22.2 | 1.8 decrease | 12.8 |
MATHS % | School | Change since 2019 | National |
Achieved standard | 77.8 | 21.8 increase | 71.5 |
Greater depth | 29.6 | 16 increase | 22.5 |
GPS % | School | Change since 2019 | National |
Achieved standard | 74.1 | 6.1 increase | 72.5 |
Greater depth | 44.4 | 8.4 increase | 28.3 |
RWM combined % | School | Change since 2019 | National |
Achieved standard | 59.3 | 3.3 increase | 58.7 |
Greater depth | 14.8 | 2.8 increase | 7.2 |
KEY STAGE 2 Statutory Assessment 2019
These performance measures are from the academic year 2018-19 when SATS tests were last set and results published nationally. They are not a current measure of school performance.
( ) is National data
% pupils at expected standard for reading, writing and maths - 56% (65%)
% pupils at higher than expected standard for reading, writing and maths - 12% (11%)
Average progress scores
Reading- 2.3
Writing- 1.6
Maths - 1.2
Average scaled score
Reading - 103 (104)
Maths - 103 (105)
Further information can be found at