The spellings for this half term are below along with the Year 5 overview.
You can help your child with their spellings by discussing patterns and connections between the spellings of words, and practising them through strategies like look, cover, write, check - these are outlined on the second page of the overview.
Story starter
She had been standing there for hours, surrounded by ice.
As the sun peeped its head over the distant mountains on the horizon, an orange and yellow hue filled the sky. The warmth of the sun was a gesture of kindness to her frozen hands, which she clasped together in front of her trembling body.
It was then that she heard it… Crack! It was as if the world in front of her was breaking in two...
Continue the story.
Can you include any of the Alan Peat sentences into your story?
Children are also expected to read each day, either on their own or with someone else. Reading with your child or discussing what they've read, for even a few minutes a day, really helps them to develop their love of reading as well as their confidence in learning generally. If you would like further advice about this, or suggestions of books, please do ask. When you do read with your child please complete their Reading Record. The Reading Record needs to be in school every day too as we often discuss with the children what they are reading outside of class.
Here are some questions you might want to ask your child about what they've been reading:
Tell me, is there anything you like about the book?
Is there anything that you particularly dislike?
Is there anything that puzzles you? Do you have any questions?
Does it remind you of anything you know, in stories or real life?