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School Uniform

We expect all children to wear the school uniform. The school colours are blue and yellow.

The uniform consists of a blue sweatshirt or cardigan and a yellow polo shirt. Children should wear plain trousers or skirts and blue or yellow dresses in the summer. Uniform can be bought from School Trends (see below) or at local supermarkets. 


Uniform items with a school logo on are optional and  are available from School Trends. 


Denim jeans and branded football kits are not allowed.

We encourage the children to be very active so they need to wear appropriate footwear at all times.  During the winter they will need an extra pair of shoes for playing outside.

PE kits

Children should have a plain yellow or white T-shirt , black or navy shorts, trainers or gym shoes, jogging bottoms and top or track suit for colder weather.

Children are asked to come into school wearing their P.E kit on days they have P.E. 


The wearing of jewellery to school should be restricted to ear studs only.  Any other earrings, necklaces and rings should never be worn for health and safety reasons. All earrings need to be removed for PE. Nail varnish must not be worn.

Uniform Ordering

Uniform can be ordered direct from our supplier, School Trends

Please click on the following link


Book bags and P.E. bags can be purchased from the school office. 
