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Autumn term archive

Welcome to Olive Class!

Class teacher: Miss Rebecca Dawkins(Tuesday to Friday)

Class teacher/Deputy Head: Mrs Barbara Rodel (Monday)

P.P.A.cover: Mrs Sonia Gratwick(Thursday a.m.)

TA's and Support Staff: Mrs Elaine Sweeney, Mrs Debra Caldecoat and Mrs Karen Dutton.


Autumn Term 2 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you are keeping well and safe. The children all settled in nicely last term and enjoyed their topic about "What Makes Me, Me?"

This term our topic will be "What Happens at Night-time?" We will be looking at sources of light, reflective and non- reflective materials and discussing  changes in the weather during late autumn and early winter.We will be celebrating the Festival of Light and also finding out about the Bible story of the very first Christmas.



Please make sure you read with your child as often as possible. It would be great if you can sometimes fill in your child's reading record to let us know how they are getting on when reading at home. Please also keep their reading records as clean as possible. We will quarantine the reading books when they are returned to school. 

P.E. (*Please note these are different days to last term)

P.E. days are Wednesdays and Fridays this half term. Please ensure your child comes in wearing their P.E. kit for the whole day(jogging bottoms or shorts(depending on the weather) a school t shirt and jumper. Your child will also need to bring in their water bottles everyday please.

Spelling Bee 2020 (Year 1)

Our impressions of work by the artist Alma Woodsey- Thomas(Black History Week)

Curriculum Web autumn 2 20

Phonics Plan autumn 2 20


These websites give access to an online library with a range of different reading levels.



This website has a range of games so your child can practice all the sounds from year 1

Topic Question Homework autumn 2 20
