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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) Curriculum Statement – Intent, Implementation, Impact



At Cherry Hinton, our overall aim is to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of all children and their learning in our school. Our curriculum is built upon our core values of Agape, Courage and Thankfulness. Our values run throughout all aspects of our P.S.H.E. curriculum. We believe these, along with personal, physical and emotional wellbeing will enable our children to acquire the skills, knowledge and resilience in our ever-changing 21st century world. To nurture this we work hard to ensure every child within our diverse school community is known and understood, enabling them to achieve in a positive atmosphere of warmth and trust and to feel secure, valued as individuals and confident.  

Through our teaching and learning we aim to develop inquisitive thinkers and inspired learners, with kind hearts. We intend to develop a life-long passion for learning, whilst empowering our children with the skills, knowledge, compassion and wisdom to make a sustained difference in our ever-changing world.



Cherry Hinton CE Primary School follows the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Programme. This is divided into the following half termly units which is constantly being updated by the P.S.H.E. Service. There is a great emphasis on mental health and well-being in School and the importance of Pupil Voice.


Main Units of Work:

  • Myself and My Relationships
  • Healthy and Safer Lifestyles
  • Economic well-being
  • Life Education
  • Citizenship
  • Enrichment

Each unit enables teachers to deliver high quality, progressive learning. The units are fully interactive with hyperlinks that immediately access teaching resources and extensive guidance on appropriate classroom techniques and approaches.


The whole staff and children work together in partnership to maintain a stimulating and nurturing environment. As described in the school’s last Ofsted report;

“Pupil’s social and emotional needs are met very well because of all the wide-range of provision leaders have in place.”

“Pupil’s behave extremely well in lessons and around school. Their behaviour reflects the school’s values of ACT.

“Pupils are proud of their school.”

May 2021

Blue Smile well-being assembly June 2021 - some child-friendly explanations of well being and some advice on how to look after well-being-
