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To help with our spelling this term we have been using the methods below.


Rainbow writing

Using coloured pencils in different ways to make spelling the word more memorable. You can make the tricky parts one colour or highlight them.



Pyramid Spelling 

This is where we look at each letter of the word separately. Adding the next letter as we go down a line.










Look, say, cover, write and check.


Look: first look at the whole word carefully and if there is one part of the word that is difficult, look at that part in more detail.


Say: say the word as you look at it, using different ways of pronouncing it if that will make it more memorable.


Cover: cover the word.


Write: write the word from memory, saying the word as you do so.


Check: have you got it right? If yes, try writing it again and again. If not, start again - look, say, cover, write, check.


Phonics videos to support early reading 

Year 2 High Frequency Words

These are words that appear frequently, both in the English language and in written texts. Due to these words being used and appearing regularly, it is very important for the children to be able to read and spell them. 

Year 2 Common Exception Words

These are words which appear quite regularly, both in spoken and written English. However, for young readers and writers these words do not follow the fundamental single phonic sounds and diagraphs that the children are familiar with. By the end of Year 2 the children should be able to read and spell the words above.

Writing Stimulus

They were beginning to regret sneaking into the giant's garden this morning. All of a sudden they heard loud, thumping footsteps heading towards them. They had to think quickly. 


  • Who are the children in the story? 
  • Why did they go into the giant's garden?
  • Who do you think they can hear coming?
  • What other things might there be in the giant's garden?
  • How might they escape the garden?


Continue the story using a 2A sentence.
